Section five (5)



Your Conduct - What you cannot do:

You agree not to:

Use the PDI website or cause it to be used for any unlawful purposes.

Use any information obtained from this website to transmit or authorise the transmission of junk mail, chain letters, or unsolicited emails or social media publications.

Interfere with, disrupt, or create an undue burden on PDI’s operation of its website or administration in general.

Use any robot, spider, or other device or process to retrieve, index, or in any other way reproduce, modify or circumvent the navigational structure, security or presentation of this website, or cause it to happen.

Make any false, misleading or disparaging statements about PDI, its employees or Founders, the PDI Bonus Plan, or any registered members, previous and/or current or their positions or the PDI mission and vision.

Display of any trading results or bonuses without prior consent from the PDI governing body and affected member/s,

The making of income projections and use of income testimonials to the public, which is strictly prohibited.

Your Conduct – What you can and are encouraged to do

You will conduct yourself as a member in a courteous, fair and ethical manner. In the case of juristic, legal or entities other than individuals, these terms and conditions shall apply mutatis mutandis to all persons involved in and representative of such entities.

You are responsible for supervising and supporting the members you refer to PDI and in your commissionable down line; this responsibility lies with you to ensure that the referred members have acquainted themselves with the terms and conditions of PDI. You acknowledge that you are not a Financial Advisor (if not registered as one by the competent authority) and that you are not entitled, qualified or allowed to provide financial or investment advice to any person or entity.

You agree and undertake to maintain monthly communication and support to these members in your commissionable downline by way of any of the following or combination thereof: Personal contact, telephone communication, written communication and attendance at member meetings.

You will not promote, take part or assist any other person/s in any activity to destabilise the binary system or Bonus Plan or to obtain any undue financial gain through activities such as rolling deposits and/or other similar types of unethical financial behaviour.

You undertake to keep any and all PDI statements private and confidential. You agree that you will not publish any statements, profits and the like on social media or any other platform, web site or search engine which is subject to public consumption. You further agree that you shall not produce, or cause to be produced, any form of other media for public consumption, relating to statements, PDI returns or profits, be it print or digital.

Non Compliance – Consequence

You understand that if you fail to comply with the terms of this agreement or policies and procedures of PDI, or any part of this agreement, PDI, at its discretion, may terminate your membership or impose upon you other disciplinary action, including, but not limited to the forfeiture of bonuses, loss of all or part of your downline referral organisation, irrespective of the pending or allocated status of such bonuses.

If you are in breach, default or violation of the agreement at termination, you will not be entitled to receive any further bonuses.

If this agreement is terminated for any reason, you will forever lose your rights as a member, including rights to your downline referral organisation, and rights to Bonus pursuant to PDI’s Bonus Plan.

Last updated