Section seven (7)






The following general terms and conditions qualify as an Agreement concluded between Prime Digital Income (PDI) Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as “PDI”) represented by: Aaron Ballance CEO, and the members of PDI who refer new members for purposes of obtaining compensation form PDI for their efforts (hereinafter referred to as: “Sponsor”).

In order to qualify for the Referral Bonus, the Binary Bonus Plan and the P1 and P2 Leadership Bonuses must a sponsor member adhere to and comply with terms and conditions of this agreement.

The General Terms and Conditions of PDI, the Compensation Plans and this Agreement form inseparable parts of General Terms and Conditions for Sponsors. These three documents together are the unified terms and conditions for Sponsoring members who refer new members to PDI in order to qualify for the 10% Referral Bonus, the Optional Binary Bonus Plan and the P1 and P2 Leadership Bonuses.

PDI only enters into the Sponsor relationship with the referring member after the member accepted and agreed to all the above documents referred to in paragraph iii.

The acceptance of the above three documents is compulsory to the current referring members already in a referring relationship with PDI in case they intend to continue this contractual relationship with PDI.


PDI is a club where new members can only be invited to the club by existing members.

Only active Sponsor members may refer a new member to the PDI club by means of either a referral link, personal enrolment in the back office.

The new member is provided with a 7 (SEVEN) day cooling down period in which the new member can conduct a further due diligence on PDI before funding their account.

The new member may fund their account any time before the lapse of the 7 day period should the new member wish to do so.

It is the responsibility of the Sponsor member to assist the new member in understanding all the terms and conditions, features, security features of the PDI back office, the Investor Plan, and the Optional Referral Plan.

The prospective members account will be deleted if not funded within 7 (SEVEN) calendar days of registering on the website.

The Sponsoring member receives a once of 10% bitcoin referral bonus on the amount of bitcoins the new member brought into the club. This 10% bitcoin bonus is paid by PDI to the Sponsor member and is not deducted from the new members deposited bitcoin value.

The Sponsoring member may qualify for the Binary Bonus Plan and the P1 and P2 Leadership bonuses when the Sponsor member meets all the qualification criteria as set out in the PDI Compensation Plan for those respective bonus plans.

Any PDI member can become a Sponsoring member on the condition that:

The members accepted the Terms and Conditions as set out in this agreement, the qualification criteria for the 10% Referral Bonus Plan, The Optional Binary Bonus Plan and The P1 and P2 Leadership Bonus Plan.

In case the Sponsor member does not click the acceptance of the terms and conditions in the back office, the member will not be able to send referral links or invite new members to PDI. This member will then only be qualified to partake in the daily trading activities of PDI.

The sponsoring must be an active and compliant member in order to retain Sponsor status and qualify for all the bonus plans.

Should a member be investigated due to any misconduct will PDI suspend/disable the sponsoring member’s access to the back office and will the sponsoring member not be able to refer any new members until finalisation of the investigation by PDI.


Only registered, qualifying active compliant members may be a party to this agreement.

A member (either a natural person or a legal person) can only conclude one referral agreement with PDI that means: they cannot possess more than one referral position in the binary system. This condition will be effective from the date of release of this agreement.

PDI reserves the right to reject a Sponsor application without stating reasons.

In case of breach of the obligations listed in the General Terms and Conditions or this Agreement shall PDI be entitled to terminate the Sponsor Agreement without prior notification and with immediate effect.

Furthermore, in case of immediate termination, PDI expressly reserves the right to claim compensation from the default member my means of legal action or by setting off any loss PDI may have suffered by:

Deducting the amount from any bonus due and pending to the member, or;

Should the debt not be satisfied in full through the implementation of paragraph 3 (V) a. then PDI reserves the right to seize and freeze the member’s capital amount pending legal action.


The sponsor member acts independent from PDI.

The sponsor member is not an employee, commercial representative or agent of PDI.

The sponsor member bears all risks connected to their business activity, including bearing all business costs in relation to their referral activities and has now claim against PDI for any such costs.

During its activity the sponsor member may not harm third parties’ rights, may not bother third parties and may not violate effective laws applicable in its country.

In case of sending electronic marketing materials, no unwanted electronic advertisements may be sent, marketing faxes, text messages or marketing phone calls can be made (even using automated call centres).

No irregular or illegal activity may be performed, e.g. unauthorised or incorrect marketing activity. Especially, the sponsor member may not communicate false or deceiving data with regard to PDI and its services.

Sponsor members are not entitled to sell the products and services of other companies to other members of PDI by using the PDI members list as a source of prospecting.

The sponsor member is obliged to keep the business secrets and structure of PDI confidential.

PDI provides marketing and sale-documentation controlled from all aspects for all countries that are located in the website of the PDI back office. It is forbidden to use, produce and market own brochures, own product brochures or other individually created press and marketing materials, without the prior written approval of PDI. This approval may be withdrawn at any time. The services of PDI through the Internet may only be marketed with the use of the marketing devices and marketing communication material provided. The sponsor member may not publish data regarding this. In case the sponsor member advertises the services of PDI on other Internet media, e.g. community websites (e.g. Facebook), online blogs or chat rooms, then he may only use the official marketing communication provided by PDI and may not publish data regarding his earnings or projected income possibility at PDI.

The sponsor member may not sell or otherwise propagate their own marketing and/or written documentation or multimedia productions to other PDI members, furthermore they may not publish those in any way.

During its business activity the sponsor member may not convey an impression that he is acting as an agent or representative of PDI and may not convey an impression that he depends on PDI and follows its orders.

The sponsor member may not take money representing PDI, furthermore is not entitled to make any declaration or undertake any obligations as if representing PDI.

During the marketing activity, the sponsor member has to abstain from fraudulent commercial practices. The sponsor member is expressly obliged to introduce himself as an independent and individual commercial member of PDI.

The Internet sites, letter-papers, business cards, furthermore advertisements, marketing material and such shall indicate the sponsor member as individually liable, and these materials have to contain the “individual business member of PDI” text.

The sponsor member is not allowed to take up a loan, pay costs, undertake obligations, open a bank account, conclude other contracts or make a declaration containing obligations using the name of PDI.

During its business activity the sponsor member may not mention negatively, detractingly or otherwise illegally the brand names of the competition, may not evaluate other companies negatively or distractingly, furthermore may not apply negative, despising or other illegal evaluation in order to recruit members of other companies.

All presentations, marketing, educational and film material provided in the back office (including photos) is under the intellectual property protection of PDI. These materials may not be either partly or totally multiplied, spread or published without the express written consent of PDI.

The use of the name, trade name, titles and business names (hereinafter referred to as: ’distinguishing marks’) is also only allowed with the prior written approval of PDI. The same is applicable to the registration of such domain names and e-mail addresses that contain a characteristic of PDI in any form. PDI may request that those Internet domain names or e-mail addresses, that contain some kind of PDI characteristic, and the use of which were not approved by PDI in writing, should be deleted, furthermore in case of Internet domain these should be transferred to PDI. In case of transfer, PDI undertakes to compensate the costs of the transfer of the Internet domain.

Bonus manipulations are forbidden including but not limited to rolling deposits. It is forbidden among others to sponsor new members, who actually do not perform business activity connected to PDI (so-called strawman), furthermore either open or hidden multiplied registrations. It is forbidden to use the name of spouses, relatives, business names, legal entities and third parties, in order to evade this provision.

Any sponsor member who wishes to continue their sponsor member activity on another sponsor line can request the deletion of their position in PDI in writing. This request must clearly state the reason why you want to move to another line, confirmation that your sponsor is aware of the request and reasons for the request. PDI will then consider the request and provide the member with the outcome.

The sponsor member cannot answer questions of the press in connection with PDI, its services, the Compensation Plan of PDI or other services offered by PDI. The sponsor member is obliged to forward all questions from the press immediately to PDI.

The sponsor member shall be obliged to support and train its downline members. For example the sponsor is obliged – including but not limited to – to provide training to its personally sponsored and spill-over members regarding the terms and conditions, the compensation plan, security of their passwords and emails, 2FA registration, and the use of back office. The sponsor receives no compensation for this activity, since they receive bonuses on the volume of their down line.

In the course of their activities, the sponsor member cannot communicate via any means, may not propagate in any way any content regarding their own or others’ gender, racial identity, colour, nationality, belonging to a national or ethnic minority, mother tongue, disability, health status, religious or world views, political or other opinion, family status, sexual preferences, gender identity, age, social origin, economic status, belonging to any trade associations, this includes audio and video recordings, images, texts, computer files and codes, websites, social media sites, hidden implications etc.

The sponsor member must conduct business in an ethical and credible manner and requires its downline members to deal ethically with their customers, with each other and with PDI.

If PDI determines that unethical activities may exist on the part of the referring/sponsor member, it reserves the right to warn, suspend or terminate the member status, including but not limited to, all bonuses and payments of any kind.

Under no circumstances is a sponsor member, whose membership is terminated for unethical or illegal activity, entitled to sell or transfer their position.

Not take part in the planning, executing, forming, or creating a group of self-owned causally linked positions for the purpose of gaining additional profits, commonly known as “Stacking”. This formation is strictly prohibited.

Examples of unethical behaviour include, but are not limited to, the following: -

Making unapproved income claims or revealing the amount of income you are or have received through PDI without prior consent from the PDI Governing Body.

Use any of the information in your back office or activity report in a manner to influence another PDI member to alter their relationship with PDI in any manner whatsoever.

Use the information in your back office or activity report to compete with PDI in any manner whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, personally or through an agent or third party.

Providing, selling or revealing any customer lists and/or their contact information that appears in your activity report or downline report to a third party. This includes the customer lists and/or their contact information that belongs to PDI or appears in any other member’s activity report or downline report.

Directly or indirectly disclose the password or other access code to your or your referrals back office or activity reports.

Forging any signature, including electronic signatures on any document.

Competing with the PDI’s services directly or indirectly through association with another business or through your own personal efforts.

Aggressive or abusive language, behaviour or treatment or any inappropriate behaviour toward any PDI employee, founder or another PDI member.

Engage, promote or encourage any activity, behaviour, scheme, abuse or conduct in order to obtain an undue financial benefit through the compensation plan or the bonus plan.

Sponsor members will in the course of recruiting not make themselves guilty of:

Crossline recruiting is not permitted. Crossline Recruiting is the recruiting/approach of any current PDI member/s who is already referred and signed up in the PDI structure.

A member may not solicit an individual or entity that has previously been sponsored by another PDI member (or who is considering joining PDI and being sponsored by another member) to join their PDI business in such member’s bonus line.

A member may not register and fund a potential new member without their consent/authorisation in an attempt to lock them in their organisation.


A newly referred member will be linked to the organisation of the sponsor who referred that person for the first time to PDI (sponsor protection). The funding of the account BY the new member shall be the indicating factor of determining the sponsor. In case two sponsor members intend to indicate the same new member as sponsored, then PDI will only take the sponsor indicated at the first account deposit.

The observance of the sponsor lines is the basic principle of PDI that is necessary for the protection of all sponsor members.

In case a member tries to register himself several times through a straw man, spouse, other relative/s, trade name, or legal entity at PDI in order to change binary legs, or by giving false data create such a new sponsor member relationship, it may cause the immediate termination of the member status without warning.

PDI is entitled to delete the name and addresses of the sponsor member from the system, in case mails are sent back with the following signs: ’invalid email address’, or similar and the member does not correct the false data within a 7 working days period.

Members may refer and sponsor new members in any country where PDI conducts business, without exclusivity.

Members conducting business in foreign countries must adhere to the PDI terms and conditions and policies and procedures governing activities in such countries.

Members and sponsors are responsible for knowing and adhering to all laws and accepted business practices within the countries in which they choose to refer. This includes marketing practices and competition laws.


PDI offers a variety of different options which allows the member to earn income through its Bonus Plan.

Some of these payment plans require the member and sponsor to be qualified. Qualification requirements are defined in the Bonus Plan. It is the responsibility of the member and sponsor to continually check and to ensure that they are qualified for each individual bonus plan which may require qualifications. PDI will not be obligated to compensate a member who may fall out of qualification.

Referral bonus payments are paid to referrers within seven (7) calendar days from a referee depositing his/her bitcoin in PDI and the payment was confirmed. PDI reserves the right to void and recover the referral bonus in full or part thereof should any irregularities occur within an eight (8) week period. This measure protects the integrity of the Compensation Plan, The Bonus Plan and the administration of PDI.

The payment of bonuses of the sponsor member shall take place in the back office.

The possibilities and qualifications for receiving bonuses are published in the Compensation plan.

The sponsor member may not assign or offer as security its rights resulting from the Compensation Plan.

The Agreement may not be encumbered with the rights of third parties.

If a member's referrer withdraws his or her bitcoin deposit within 7(SEVEN) days from the date of deposit the sponsor will forfeit the 10% referral bonus.


Irrespective of the reasons for disabling/suspending mentioned in the General Terms and Conditions and this Agreement PDI reserves the right to disable/suspend the sponsor member due to serious reasons.

PDI expressly reserves the right to disable/suspend the online access of the sponsor member to the system without deadline, in case the sponsor member breaches the obligations mentioned in the terms and conditions and this agreement or breaches other legal provisions or there is other serious reason, and the sponsor member fails to terminate the breach at the notification of PDI within the deadline determined by PDI.


This Sponsor member Agreement terminates due to the following:

Upon the death, liquidation or sequestration of the sponsor member, or

When the sponsor member is removed from the system due to misconduct of any nature, or:

If the member registration is terminated by either the member or PDI.

The agreement may be inherited by observing the legal conditions in the General Terms and Conditions under Survivorship.

Following the termination of the Agreement is it forbidden to use such Internet domain or e-mail addresses that contain the PDI name, or any PDI brand name, trade name or title.

In the case of Internet domains the sponsor member has to hand these over to PDI, and PDI pay the transfer costs should PDI have provided the sponsor with prior permission to use the same. If prior permission were not granted then the sponsor will be liable for the transfer cost.

Following the termination of the agreement by the sponsor member other than for misconduct, the sponsor may only re-register with PDI after the 1 month has passed.

The sponsor member may send a request to the e-mail address to ask for permission to re-register within one month after termination with the indication of his future sponsor. PDI will inform the sponsor member via a message sent to the sponsor member registered e-mail address about the acceptance or denial of the request.

The sponsor member may conclude a new registration without special written consent 6 months after the termination of the first agreement.

Following the termination of the agreement the sponsor member shall not be entitled to receive bonuses from its downline structure and forfeits any right thereto due to the cancellation of the agreement for any reason.


No account shall be ceded or assigned to any third party, due to the risk of cybercrimes. Despite any other terms and conditions contained herein, PDI reserves the right, in exceptional circumstances, to change the account holder detail.


The lead time of the investigation providing the basis for the assessment of questions, requests or occurring complaints received by PDI in writing is 7 days.

The support section of PDI will deal with all queries related to the back office and queries submitted to This email address will also be the only forum wherein queries and requests will be entertained.

Social media requests to management of PDI is not allowed or permitted.


PDI shall be entitled to modify this General Terms and Conditions for sponsor members from time to time. The modifications are published by PDI in the official PDI website

The modifications and amendments of this Agreement are valid exclusively in writing.

In case any provision of this Agreement for sponsors becomes invalid or is incomplete, it does not result in the invalidity of the whole Agreement, but the invalid or incomplete provision shall be substituted with a provision that is closest to the invalid or incomplete provision from an economic point of view. The same applies to the termination of shortcomings demanding valid regulation.

Last updated